How is learning saxophone like going to the gym?
Many of us, including myself, would like to be in great physical shape.
However, the process to getting there seems difficult and can be inefficient if not done consistently or with good technique.
Say you walk into a gym, the idea is to get stronger and improve your fitness. But there are many options. And you know that you could hurt yourself if you do too much or use the wrong technique.
For many years, I was in decent shape, my weight did not change much but I also did not get much stronger.
When I started going to Crossfit Monterey, the personal training there helped me a lot. Getting feedback on what I was doing quickly eliminated bad habits and helped me develop good habits.
The people who ran the gym really knew what they were talking about. They used a variety of movements, a focus on technique, moving into heavier lifting, and education about nutrition.
Eventually, I could do somewhat complicated lifts, like the clean, with technique that made it safe and a decent amount of weight.
One of the techniques they taught me for this one was to imagine jumping as I did it. Definitely was not getting off the floor with this much weight, but the mindset helped me do the lift.
Often a very simple change can have a large impact.
Encouragement and challenge were both important parts of training.
You can hear the voice of Jacob Tsypkin in the video.
He thinks about fitness all the time, obsessed with it some might say. He reads a ton, comes up with interesting and different ideas, and overall is very effective at what he does.
My name is Neal, I run Sax Station, and have more of an obsession with music.
Learning to play saxophone also involves many elements and as you learn, feedback can help you advance much quicker and sound better..
With Saxophone Tribe, you can get honest feedback and a structured method that covers sound, rhythm, technique, color, and listening. Rhythm most of all. You’ll get help and lessons explained step by step.

You will be challenged.
(Current members e-mail me if needed for access)
Coming back to saxophone but feeling stuck?
It’s easy to get off track when practicing on your own and it may be enough to discourage you from continuing.
Playing the saxophone should be fun though and with a little guidance you’ll avoid frustration.Student
The aim may not be to become a professional but at least play songs for your friends and family.
Everyone in Saxophone Tribe is encouraged as they learn to play.
You will receive constructive feedback and suggestions. When you are told there is a problem, you also get suggestions on the cause of the problem and on how to fix it.And despite distances and time differences, it will still feel ‘hands on’.
Example Lesson:

With the right tools and time spent practicing, you’ll soon sound better.
Two Major Components to Improving on Saxophone Are:
1.Slowing down
2. Receiving feedback/guidance.
Slowing down and focusing makes you sound really good on something rather than mediocre on a large number of pieces of music.
Feedback allows you to get help from an extra set of ears and catch things that you can easily miss or be unaware of.
And in addition to guidance , you’ll have freedom and help as you learn the music you really want to play. You will be encouraged, but not rushed. That means timely feedback as you progress and also learning from the rest of the group. The questions from others and the answers save you time and keep you from developing bad habits.
Playing saxophone in front of an audience…..
Can be nerve wracking. Especially if there’s any piece of it that you’re not completely comfortable with.
Getting the confidence to play comfortably allows you the stuff that you know. Building that confidence involves mastering the different dimensions of saxophone and having songs and ideas to play.
A simple melody played by a true musician can bring a silence over the crowd.
And as you play a song like Amazing Grace, you get enraptured by the music, you’ll forget about the people and even the time and place. You’ll connect with the music, with the composer, with those who have played it before you.
Music is the language that you’ll speak. And the audience will understand and respond. You’ll see emotions on their face as you play, you may even get them to dance. And afterward, you’ll hear the applause see excited faces all around you and get to talk to people who are now fans.
You’ll Achieve a Multidimensional Mastery of the Saxophone
Sounding good on sax is not a simple task…
But with some help, you can improve quickly.
Investing in Saxophone Tribe will save you time and prevent frustration and improve your sound much faster on the saxophone.
People sometimes will throw questions at you about how you learned, what kind of horn and mouthpiece you’re using, how long you’ve been playing, who taught you.
Even if you’ve only been playing saxophone for a little while, people will think that you’ve spent years mastering it if you sound good.
If you have wanted to learn saxophone or set it aside for a number of years, pick it up again!
You can play the music you want to play by practicing in your free time.
It’s a great anti-depressant! And it won’t cost you that much money.
If you enjoy the music, the scales won’t seem tiresome and exercises that have a definite payoff will make more sense. The process of learning saxophone is one to have fun with.
Might even be surprised at how easy it is to play things on saxophone.
And as you play more it will get easier and easier. Before you know it, you’ll be playing all the pieces you like best. Ballads, swing, funk, Latin, classical, jazz.
Even if you don’t see yourself as having a special talent in music. You can become an accomplished saxophone player, someone people want to hear.
If you are serious about playing saxophone and being happy with your sound on sax for yourself, family, and audiences….
The saxophone is a complicated beast!
If you would like some help sounding better, understanding all the dimensions of playing saxophone will make you calm and confident and sound the way you want.

You’ll learn fundamental saxophone skills or just get help with the basics.
Your saxophone questions will be answered inside the Saxophone Tribe.
Sounding great isn’t just a matter of picking up the horn and blowing, obviously. It can be tough to get on stage and put yourself out there. And then if things don’t go well, it’s discouraging!
My name is Neal, you may know me already, have been playing sax for sixteen years and have been through some rough episodes getting to the point where I’m at now.
Saxophone Tribe will be available to you when you need help. You can even send questions at 2 AM!
How Will You Systematically Improve on Sax?
You’ll get access with lessons and premium content including recordings. You’ll also get feedback on your playing from me.

You are given a clear structure with a number of steps to take, initially four steps. Those include sending in recordings, how to do that is explained by me and if you can dial a phone, you’ll be able to send the recording.
So you can dive into the lessons and also move at your own pace. Then you’ll get suggestions and new material once you’re ready to move on.
In terms of getting better at music and really working on ideas, I feel like it works better to get a simple lesson, have some space to practice it and figure it out for yourself, and then be able to talk to the instructor and play around with it after spending time on it.You’ll be able to work on things at your own pace
Waiting List:
If you are too late and we are currently not accepting new students, then get on the “waiting list” page before you can go to the payment page later.
Currency Converter
One Year, Saxophone Tribe Premium: $390 (Save 17% compared to monthly price!)
Outside of the United States?
No problem, use this currency converter to check prices.
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“Restart Song” Guarantee
30 Day Money Back Guarantee
If for whatever reason, the class isn’t right for you, let me know and you’ll be refunded the class fee. No worries whatsoever. Sometimes things change in your life unexpectedly, whatever the reason, you’re covered. Students in Saxophone Tribe have gotten great results though, so you’ll very likely gain a lot and improve your sound significantly. You can also cancel any time after 30 days and not be billed again. Try it out!
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Bonuses For Signing Up Now
If you sign up on this special bonus page, you can get your saxophone practice routine personally critiqued by me and I’ll make recommendations on what you’re doing right and what you should change to effectively practice.
You will get a detailed critique of your saxophone practice routine. This critique alone can save you a ton of time by making what you practice really help your sound effectively.
Costs much less than weekly saxophone lessons.
Who Should NOT Sign Up & Who SHOULD Sign Up?
The ideal student is someone who has some time to practice but can’t necessarily make it to private saxophone lessons every week. They know that there is work involved and hurdles to be jumped.
Frequently Asked Questions
“1. I don’t read music very well… I’m worried that I won’t be able to access the information”
Most music you will be able to hear and learn by ear. Some of the lessons require learning by ear since I feel reading and learning by ear are both important. A fingering char is provided. And diagrams are included in some of the lessons.
“2. I ‘m only starting to play the saxophone and am concerned that many of the lessons will be beyond my level.”
The lessons start with fundamentals, they are not difficult to understand, but are difficult to play well. There will be some materials that is more advanced, but you’ll be able to play it later on after you have built a foundation.
“3. Saxophone Tribe sounds great….what should I do if I’m still not sure?”
If there is something in particular you are concerned about, send me an email. I’ll get back to you quickly with an honest answer. If it doesn’t seem like Saxophone Tribe is the best fit for you, I’ll let you know. And remember that you’re covered by the “Became a Trombone Player, 30 Day Money Back Guarantee”.
“4. May I See A Sample Before I Sign Up?”
Definitely. On Sax Station you get access to a few lessons that come from Saxophone Tribe. One is available immediately after you enter your name and email address. You can also fill out a survey on Sax Station to watch a critique done within Saxophone Tribe.
“5. What Styles Of Music Do You Cover?”
Jazz, classical, blues, Latin tend to be the styles I play. Can also help you with some other styles like Gospel and Smooth Jazz if you’re interested in them. The same principles of music applies to all music, one of the main things that changes between styles is the phrasing and articulation.
Technical Details For Saxophone Tribe
Format: Audio files are MP3 and videos are either streaming in a your web browser (if you can view youtube, you’ll be able to see them) or mv4 or .mov files. They play in most media players. I recommend using quicktime and getting iTunes. Both of those programs are available on Mac and PC. The audio and video can also be transferred to devices such as iPads or burned to CD (audio). PDF files can be read (and printed out).
Delivery: All the lessons and material of Saxophone Tribe are viewable online and/or downloadable. You’ll be notified about updates via email.
Payment Methods: Paypal is currently used for all payments. If you do not yet have aPayPal account they can be set up in just a few steps and are easy to use.
Currency: All payments are in US Dollars. Paypal also converts to your currency.
Computer/File Compatibility: Video files, MP3 files and PDF files are viewable on both Macs and PCs. If you have any technical issues, just let me know and I’ll help walk you through them.
Support: If you’re having trouble downloading the different parts of each lesson, or finding software to open it, all you need to do is email me. I’ll get back to you with answers and help as soon as possible.
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One Year, Saxophone Tribe Premium: $390 (Save 17% compared to monthly price)
Get Your Saxophone Groove On
Neal Battaglia
P.S. Imagine yourself in three weeks, sounding better because you’re now part of the Saxophone Tribe.P.P.S. Let me know if you have any questions about Saxophone Tribe, e-mail me.
Hey Neal will the price for watching videos go up on your website and if so when an how much will you guys be charging for me to watch videos
Hey Jimmy, most things on Sax Station will stay free. Saxophone Tribe is a different program. Thanks
Neil, I am presently in France but will return to the States January 8, 2013.
I don’t want to sign up right now as I am using the DO,Re, Mi, will be too confusing to get lessons with the US ABC solfeggio.
I would sign up now if you permit my lessons year to start January 9, 2013.
What say you? Rudy
Hi Neal, i really like your site, and am just learning the alto sax. Im a newcomer as they say, and would love to be able to play it at a reasonable standard. Do you have a DVD that i could purchase? Thanks, Yuri.
Thanks Yuri, no DVD yet, but there are programs/classes online. With Saxophone Tribe you can print out things, send in recordings, get feedback, etc. Thanks
Hi Neal, thanks for your e-mails,
I currently play tenor sax as my second instrument to guitar in my band ” Independence ” in Glasgow Scotland, dont read music been playing Tenor for about 5 years
dont practice enough only as time permits I use my own tab format when I write out a piece for me to play in the band ie: low B = B with 1 underline middle B as is B plus octave key B with a line above and high D with side key 2 lines above hope that makes some sense to you, I really need to start to play more improvisation rock and blues maybe something like licks and scales for use in concert Am or Concert G putting me in Bm and A for tenor
many thanks
Did you have a question about Saxophone Tribe?
Hi Neal. I am wondering what reed is best for me.just started my alto after,18 yrs away from it. Been playing now for a bout 2 Mo. How long dose it take to build up my embouchure again?
Hey Jeff, you probably want to use a 1.5 or 2.
Neal I believe I have already made a selection, and need to find out how to gain access.
Hey Charles, yes you did. I’ll send you an email with directions. Thanks
hi Neal, i want to take advantage of your sign up now bonus offer but am in south africa for a month and so would like to sign up ,but only activate and start payments fron the middle [15th of this possible
i have recently had some lessons in the u k and it made a world of differrence but do not know how my schedules will accommadate future lessons –this makes your site possibly the ideal alternative
Hey Antonius,
Thanks. I could let you do that. How long have you been playing? And what styles of music are you interested in?
Hey Tim,
With Saxophone Tribe, I give you access to a number of lessons and I also give you a number of steps to take, initially it’s four steps. Once you complete those, I give you more. So you can dive into the lessons and also move at your own pace. You can try it out and see if works for you, there’s a guarantee, you don’t need to worry about that. Thanks
would like to start with fingering chart…
Hello Ray, I moved that to Follow the directions in the yellow box when you get there. Thanks
I’d like your free fingering chart. I’m still thinking of joining, but am meeting a teacher locally first to find out, if I like to have lessons in real life instead.
Greetings from Susanne in Sweden
Check your email for a link to the fingering chart and the password, thanks.
Hello Neal
I’m iniciate on sax and would like learn more about it.
Your website is the best one!
I’m from Brazil and sax is a therapy for me.
All the best
Hey Neal,
I just started learning by myself, I being
practicing with the essential elements
book one .I’m able to read and working
very hard in my tempo ,but I fell that Ineed to move up and get the Sax’tribe.
I’m wondering if you will make and exception and allowme to get the special monthly price that was advertized till June 7/12, due to some ttraveling it was imposible for me to check my e-mails. thanks.
Hello Carlos,
Thanks for checking this out. The price increased, but you can save 16% off the monthly price if you sign up for a year.
Ive tryed too enroll today and It proved to be impossible can we work together by phone by phone?
Hey Melvin,
Seems like the issue might have been that you were using paypal on a cell phone. Haven’t really dealt with that before. Let me know if it works on a computer, thanks.
I am trying enroll, please help, I filled out enrollment form, but no place to submit
Select the option you would like and click the subscribe button, then follow the directions from there. Let me know if you have questions. Thanks
Thanks for teaching to slow down. Fingering and tone improving daily. I can play softer now. My neighbors thank you for that.
Hey Kate,
You’re welcome, glad your playing is coming along and you joined.
hi neal still enjoying your lessons on playing by ear,you asked who is my favorite saxophone player is its hard to chose but i will go for joshua redman.thanks for asking ,ray
Thanks Ray, saw him give that workshop not too long ago and have definitely enjoyed hearing him play live!
I love the Lindermann exercises! I am using them while also tring to improve my finger movement to less moving.
So glad I joined sax tribe.
I live in the quite’est place, So finding ah’place to be loud,al’la practice mean’s driving out to some remote spot…I try to study how to read where the note’s are on the five line’s…but i keep’s ah’mess,right now..So i end up just blowing the horn…still just Play’in my own blues….Someday i will learn how to play some songs…things will, turn for the better,,when I can read….But so far it’s looking at each note,,an’trying to figure out what it is….it’s so frustrating,,I don’t stay with’it….i get high”then I just play…..
Hi Neal,
thanks you for the nice work you are doing.Have played the saxophone for the 1yr.I was request for some lessons on soloing and overtone.(do we use the octave key on overtones)
Hey Kim,
Where are you at with soloing at this point?
For overtones, you definitely can play them without the octave key, but the octave key makes them come out a little bit easier. Are you talking about practicing overtones or playing them to get a different sound in a solo or something like that? Somewhat depends on your purpose, whether you use the octave key or not.
I’m just learning how to play the sax and am teaching myself. Great to have a website to go to for help.
Thanks Cortez. Do you know other musicians or saxophonists you could play with?
Hi Neal. In reply to your question. I definitely try harder on these four low notes. I can’t understand why I find low C# (&below) a struggle to play, but punch out low D, just a semitone away with ease. I don’t feel as though I am exaggerating my embouchure to compensate. It is a problem I have had for a long time (too long) I cannot seem to get on top of it. ~ Thanks.
Hey Glen,
Low C# is an interesting note. The movement with your right pinky presses a pad down and the movement with the left pinky lifts another pad up. The C# is also on the side of the bell, with a bit of distance around the curve. Part of the issue is that you may have some tension in your fingers that translates to making the note harder to play. Do your hands seem tensed up when you play it?
whats my password i cant log on
Hey Dave, just emailed you about that. Thanks
Hi Neal,
I just found your site last night. So far I like what I have seen. Learning the Sax is something I always wanted to do. Last October I purchased a Selmer AS500 Aristocrat from Ebay. It was an excellent instrument to start with. I started learning on my own and in January of this year started taking lessons. I had a certain tone in my head that the Alto was not reaching so I rented rented a Tenor sax from the local music store. I found the tone that was in my head. I just recently purchased a P.Mauriat Tenor Sax with a black nickle finish with silver keys. It looks and sounds awesome.
I am thinking of joining the Saxophone Tribe. Getting more than one point of view is good in anything you do.
Hey Dave,
Thanks for stopping by. Saxophone Tribe could help you play better, will develop some good habits and help you avoid some bad ones. And getting feedback is always good when you’re learning something.
Let me know if you have more questions.
Hello Neal
I had picked up my tenor and haven’t played in 20yrs. Back then I had taken over 30 lessons while raising a family. It was tough so I had to quit. This will be my 2nd. wk. in practicing again. I am a beginner and going over scales and long tones. I practice 2hrs. a day. Morning and evening sessions. Like I mentioned I am a beginner and have a beginner book. I don’t know if I fit in on your classes?
Hey Joe,
Sounds like you’re on track to getting back in the swing of things. I could help you get your skills back and sound better. It’s good to have someone to check out what you’re doing and be there to ask questions. So I think Saxophone Tribe would be a good place for you. Try it out!
hi am gbemiga from nigeria i have been playing sax for two year but is like am not improve can u help me
Hey Gbemiga, I could help you, are you interested in joining Saxophone Tribe? Did you have questions about it?
Hi Neal. I have two questions. 1. Despite having had my tenor checked for leaks, etc. I have always had trouble with notes below low ‘D’ Ie: C#; C; B & Bb. These notes have always been a struggle for me. & 2. I don’t know any thing about recording. Though I wish I did. It would be a great learning tool. Also, if you actually listen to the playing. It must be somehow recorded. Thanks very much for your help.
Hey Glen,
Are you thinking about joining Saxophone Tribe?
For the low notes, do you find that you try harder to play the low notes? If you change your embouchure, it may actually mess things up.
For recording, I would suggest either a zoom H2 recorder or getting a usb microphone for your computer.
Am based in Germany and in love with the sax but struggling to play…am eager to start with ur lessons to see improvement.
Willkommen Solomon! Thanks for signing up, let me know what I can help you with.
I’ve been told by my son’s music teacher that he memorizes his music when playing a song weather it be for his music class or for a middle school music concert. I asked her what to do and she said he needs to learn how to read music and apply that to fingerings on the Alto Sax.
So I went on line and found you on YouTube watched your video and was impressed by it, now it said at the end of the video to go on-line at saxophone tribe to get a free fingering chart to download for free.
That is what I am trying to do, and I can’t seem to get it for my boy, so he can come home and get started on his lessons here and impress his Music Teacher tomorrow morning. So if you can please e-mail the information I would very much appreciate it.
so he can impress the teacher ASAP I would be grateful. Thank you and great video, can not wait to see him watch it.
Hello Tara,
There’s a fingering chart on which is my main website, it’s under ‘fundamentals’ on the menu.
People who enter their name and email get the password sent to them as well as some more lessons.
Saxophone Tribe has a version you can download, but it’s within a paid membership. You can see everything on Sax Station, one note at a
time. And also all the major among other lessons.
Hello Neal,
Your training course sounds like it is just the thing I’m looking for. I’m returning to the saxophone after an 18 year hiatus.
The difference this time around is that I am interesting in playing the tenor sax. Previously, I played the alto – I played for about 5 years but was at a very basic level as I taught myself.
I am curious as to exactly how your lessons work (primarily in the premium package). For example, where do the lessons come from – i.e from existing methods books or from your own creation. Also how are the performances reviewed by you – i.e. is there a certain software package that you use (like smartmusic) or other? Thanks in advance for the reply.
Thanks for signing up Sam.
For the lessons, I suggest having a method book to work through, I create some of my own lessons and borrow/adapt ideas from some other musicians as well.
To review recordings, you can just email mp3 files to me.
Hi Neal,
I am interested in learning the sax, i had been doing a self tutoring but have not really gotten my footing. I want to learn to play by ear, please let me know if your course will be useful to me and how long does it last.
Hey Femi,
We can work on those things, Saxophone Tribe is ongoing. Payment can be by month or yearly.
Hi Neal; i had my left hip replaced just 4 wks ago. i purchased a used alto sax. i know nothing about the sax; i got online youtube on how to hold my mouth and lips; i am still in some pain but, am recovering well according to my in house physical therapists. any suggestions to learn basics ? i am retired so i plan on playing every day but am unable to do much at present. your program sounds good ! let me know your recommendations.
Michael S.
Hi Neal
I am a self teaching learner and I have made use of the internet and beginner dvd’s etc. I have been practising for about 6 months. I had absolutely no music experience and have had to learn to read music aswell as learning the Alto Sax. Do you think your course will help as I really cannot find time to go for lessons.
Hey Paul,
It could definitely help you. You could work on a piece at a time and get feedback from me and some guidance with Saxophone Tribe.
If you needed more help you could pay for one on one skype lessons. Let me know
I am seriously concidering either subscribing to Saxaphone Tribe or buying your DVD lessons, but I haven’t received a password to download the fingering chart and I would like to have it before going forward. If it is available, please direct me in how to obtain it.
Thank you!
Hello Greta,
If you signed up on Sax Station, the link and password should be at the bottom of a message that I sent you. Thanks
Hi, I’mreally interested in picking up my sax again, and your classes sound like something I can use. A question you can hopefully answer before I sign up. Will I be able to take the classes at anytime? If so I’m in. Let me know thanks!!
Hello Adrian,
Yes, you can do the lessons anytime, you’ll receive links to the first lessons immediately after you submit payment. Thanks for checking it out.
I’m french and i live in Ukraine , it’s my first year. I have sixty .
Is it possible to easily stop the subscription.What level of musician should attend these courses?
Hey Gilles,
Yes, you can email me at any point to ask questions or cancel if need be. The level would be for saxophonists who have a basic understanding of the notes on saxophone up to a very advanced player. Some of the exercises I’ll give you will take a very long time to work on, but they will help you progress a great deal. People who have not played any notes on the saxophone yet should check out a beginning course like my course ‘Saxophone Foundations’